Friday, July 30, 2010


so today is our company bowling party and i am proud announce that contrary to my normal reaction to bowling where i get word vomit and start telling everyone how i was all conference bowler sophomore year setting up everyone to be sorely disappointed when i suck, i kept my mouth shut. 

for me bowling has always been an interesting experience.  typically, someone will suggest it, which is when i then go into my schpeal about how amazing i am and how i can prove it with my 7th place ribbon if they would like.  i then show up, can't find a ball that is both visually pleasing and the right weight.  i bowl two frames and then my middle finger turns purple and hurts...and i then hate myself for agreeing to bowl.  this is not made up. this is what is and will happen for the rest of my life.  luckily, unlike most bowling experiences, this one today will have booze.  for some reason i think i may be able to handle the finger pain if i am tipsy and stuffing pizza in my face.  this is just a guess.

speaking of all conference bowler sophomore year...yeah, i have no real idea how that happened.  i do have the ribbon stating 7th place and somewhere i have a plaque. what i can't seem to grasp is how this all come to be considering i have never been good at bowling. not even close to good.  i never had a fancy glove or wrist thing...or anything else that bowlers use.  i also didnt know how to make my ball curve like the good people do.  i just aimed.

apparently, somehow, on the one day that it all counted....i must have just aimed really well. so well, in fact, that of all the people bowling, i hit the 7th most highest greatest amount of pins. or my score was the highest.  or something like that.  

in all honesty, i just saw being on the bowling team as something to do after school...and it was free bowling! who doesn't like free bowling?

today i heard the good charlotte song "boys and girls"...and one set of lyrics goes "not much to say in most conversations, but he'll foot the bill in all situation. 'cause he pays for everything".  is it bad that all i could think was that this was my type of man.  lets me talk about myself all the time and just pays for my shit.  i wouldnt even mind if he was a little stupid. damn.

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